Even if you gots love for that solar ...
Nobody likes being hassled at their front door
And most people don't like having to put their foot down
... but then you might find yourself roped into yet another pitch !
5.1 / 5 star reviews (we got extra credit)
soon to be thousands of exuberant customers nationwide
get the solution to this never-ending saga
"Honestly, not so good at saying no ... and definitely not the best at comebacks... problem solved! Thanks so much, Door Knocker Blockers!!"
"It's like outsourcing your passive aggressiveness to a third-party service provider ... without having to get your darn hands dirty."
"I've calculated the value of time saved on useless conversations vs the cost of my DKB acquisitions. The ROI is truly astounding."
“I would literally hand someone $1 to not have to answer the door to those guys and interrupt what I’m doing. Each and every time. Tell me, how is this any different? LOL.”
“I actually stopped answering the darn door and then, one day, I missed my FedEx delivery! All I can say is those days are a thing of the past. Thanks, Door Knocker Blockers!”
“So… how much really is preventing an awkward conversation on your doorstep really worth? I knew my answer. Sold to the guy with the kooky door-hanger campaign!””
“You know how certain things bring out the worst in you and make you feel like your mama didn’t raise you right? Yeah ... that’s me with people who door knock me. With my DKBs, I’m happy to say I can rejoin civilized society!”
Download one of six
You pay the shipping and handling and we'll mail you one
Choose from over 200 Door Knocker Blockers, from sassy to sussy
Three of the latest, pre-release DKBs, mailed to your front door on a monthly basis. Use 'em. Gift 'em. Frame 'em. Collect them all.
We're 'taking the piss' - but just like the old days, this urine's medicinal !
Nobody likes being moralized to, but everyone likes a good roast !
We're redirecting our rabble-rousing nature to a good cause !
Even if you're offended by this shtick, it's okay. Let 'em take their shots. It'll only make you stronger !
... don't tell nobody.
But will taking the temperature down on solar cause more of it to happen..? Let's just call it a social experiment ;)
Sheeeeeeeeeeeet, mama!! Ain't nothing proven about this! That's crazy talk !
Door-to-Door sales is crawling with solar reps
So we're giving homeowners a way to keep the fly-by-night solar guys in check
One free Door Knocker Blocker for getting on our email list
Where we'll send ongoing content that explains...
All the sketchy ways solar can be sold ...
And all the ways it can screw you over !
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